How to Build a Log Cabin

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How to Build a Log Cabin
How to Build a Log Cabin

Maybe you own a piece of land or property and would like to finish it off with a log cabin or perhaps you are in need of a security cabin that needs to be placed on your land. Whatever the case may be, a log cabin can be built, and you can do it.

For starters, here is one of the first things you will need to do. Place 4 timbers (wood) from the ground up and shape them as squares. Make sure the ground is level and everything is clear within a 3 foot radial perimeter. With a sharp object, either a knife or a saw, make a knot or indentation in the wood where they will be latching and connecting together. The logs that aren’t laying flat on the ground must be notched on both sides to fit the timber above and below them. Start to layer the logs. Make sure the logs are all the same size and length. If they aren’t, there could be trouble.

Be sure that you are inserting the ends and corners in the right vicinity, this will assist to make a strong foundation. Leave a gap for any doors, front or back. Use insulation foam to insulate the wood cabin to keep out rain and outside elements. Set the loft supports by fitting them into the walls or by placing logs into extra holes cut in the wall logs. These logs cross over the interior at ceiling height and can bear a second story.

Construct up the gables one side at a time, until you achieve purlin height. Purlins are structural supports that cross the loft room. Carry on and keep constructing up the gables until you acquire the top of the ridge pole - which is the main center roof brace. This is the tallest piece of the cabin, and you can place the ridge pole onto the gables at this time. Be sure that the log cabin is supported by ropes, shims and poles. Make use of plywood as the underneath of the roof and place tin sheeting above it. Buy used tin sheeting at a markdown from military surplus suppliers and / or junk lumber yards.

Set up other workings, depending on your log cabin campaign. Log cabin kits will comprise these other sections, such as windows, a smokestack, flight of stairs and any other vital ingredients of log cabins. Customize your log cabin with such added features as a wood burning oven, wall carpets
or moose heads. Given that, you are on your way to constructing your own log cabin, you can deck it any way you desire.
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