How to Build a Patio ?

1 Answer

How to Build a Patio
All it takes to build a patio is a simple design and a plan, and you can transform the space outside your house into something great. One of the most elegant and well-put-together patio designs is the brick patio. You can lay your bricks in a unique pattern to create an astonishing piece of work.

The estimated time for a job of this stature is 2 days.

Materials Required
Some of the more necessary things you will need before beginning your project:

Shovel and rubber mallet
Level crushed stone
Landscape fabric
Paving bricks
Mason’s line plywood to kneel on
Garden hose
One long 2×4 for screed
Steps to Build the Patio
Step one: Lay out and measure your selected area, usually a rectangle or square shape.

patioStep two: Begin to dig your area at least 8 inches deep and level out. Make sure the ground is completely even, you can use a tamp to make sure the floor base is level. A floor base that is not evenly leveled could spell disaster.

Step three: Test run by laying a brick pattern for a general idea. You will need to remove the bricks you have laid for the test run and pour stone gravel into the leveled ditch. Re-tamp and make sure the ground is level once more.

Step four: Make sure for this patio you are using paving bricks, 4 inches by 8 inches. Once you are ready, you can begin to lay the bricks down in your selected pattern.

Step five: Once the bricks are down, you can lay a layer of sand and simply rinse into the cracks. After you have hosed the remaining sand into the cracks, step back and make sure you have the look and feel you desire.

Step six: Make sure the cracks are completely filled; if so, you are finished and can now enjoy your brick patio.

The basket weave brick patio is by far one of the best-looking and moderately easiest patios to build and, not to mention, pleasant to the eye.

A patio is one of the most valuable and satisfying home improvements you can make. Your new patio is ready for entertaining friends and family. Knowing that you built your patio from scratch can be a very satisfying experience; now you could share with others and let them know how much of an easy task it was.
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