Organic Hemp Is An Excellent Brain And Immune System Health Food

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Hemp seeds are an excellent and healthy super food. Hemp is legally grown in recent years in the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, UK and Australia using a naturally selected strain of the plant, Cannabis sativa, which contains no detectable tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the main psychoactive element that produces the “high” associated with marijuana. Established by law, the Canadian-grown hemp must contain less than .01% THC. This is the approved level that protects the consumers to get “high” from eating large amounts of seeds or ground powder.

Hemp foods are the highest source of easily digestible, essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the plant world better than nuts and cashews. Hemp seed oil contains 54.4% linoleic acid (Omega-6), 18.3% linolenic acid (Omega-3), 2-5% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and 1-2% stearidonic acid. Hemp seeds, rich in vitamin E and minerals,  are 33% protein and contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. The seeds contain eight essential amino acids the human body cannot make and two that human body cannot make in a sufficient quantity in a perfect ratio of omega-6-to-omega-3 which are necessary to maintain brain health, memory, mood, and concentration.

Hemp’s ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids close to 4 makes hemp products a wonder healthy food. This ratio of fatty acids and in particular omega 3 fatty acids  is beneficial for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. Hemp seed protein contains 65% edistin – a plant globulin which is the highest content  in any plant on earth. Human body uses globulin proteins to make antibodies that are the main entities to create a healthy immune system.

Eating raw, organic, pure hemp seeds provides the body all the essential amino acids required to maintain health and supply the specific amino acids to make immunoglobulins.
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